Ah, the first post of the year 2018 and such a nice topic to blog on.

I was in a meeting when this thought randomly popped into my head and since then it has been swirling around taking a dimension of its own. So, I thought that it is a good idea to blog especially when it is still fresh and I know what I want to write.

Porn in the really old days of cavemen and middle ages was limited to some scratchy drawing or portraits by masters who would base it on some biblical story and put the dong in amidst a scene. It was less accessible and not many knew what they were seeing anyways. Porn in the modern era started after the advent of Photography and rapidly became an industry of its own as the cost to produce photographs dropped from the heydays of using silver plates which made it ridiculously expensive. Hence, porn was restricted to a very small percentage of the populace, the ones who could buy the photographs as such but then, however, the print and subsequently, the movies made it accessible to a larger populace and now it has been democratized by means of the internet. Porn studios made large-scale production of porn easier by investing in the infrastructure. Porn did not, I assume in large parts, begin as a replacement for sex but as a filler for the fulfilment of fetishes.

Before Cryptocurrencies became a thing, encryption and encrypting information was not something that majority of the population as encoding makes sense only when it can be also decoded by the intended party at the requisite time. It was also a costly affair to encrypt and decrypt. That is why encryption of information was limited to simple cyphers for most of our existence. However, as encryption became a commonplace occurrence and more reliable, encryption standards started to appear, anything that was deemed valuable started to be encrypted. To the point, the most valuable thing that could be encrypted was the flow of money. Hence, Cryptocurrencies also started with a similar intention of making transactions invisible to governments and the banks and use it for varied purposes which would not leave a trail which was inaccessible by anyone else other than the buyer and seller of goods and services. And when the technology to produce Cryptocurrencies became more accessible through an increase in GPU horsepower on personal computers, the whole boom of cryptocurrencies took off. Cryptocurrencies were not meant to replace fiat currency as a whole but for specific purposes which would be generally hard to conduct in the normal nature of money.

The nature of the porn industry and the cryptocurrencies are nearly the same in my perspective.

First, there are the cryptocurrency issuers (producers or whatever they are called) who are similar to porn studios or producers in that they generate content or issue coins. They choose to make content until such content is no longer profitable. Bitcoin can be mined till there are 21 million coins and once all are mined, there is no more. The more the coins are mined, the less the mining becomes viable due to increasing computational power required to mine with decreasing returns The porn studios seek to do the same, they produce the same content as long as it is viable until there is no more demand for it based on the law of decreasing returns.

Second, Porn is of a particular genre or fetish and the coins serve a particular purpose or transaction type/industry. Example: coins for healthcare, finance, retail etc. For porn, <Fill fetish here>.

Third: The viewers of the genre and the buyers of the coin are people who know not what to do with it. Usually, the buyers of the coin have no real use for it other than buying it with real money, holding it until appreciates and then when they are satisfied with the price, sell it for fiat currencies. Porn watchers are almost the same, they merely watch it until they are satisfied. Their investment being time, a device to view it on and internet. No comments on what they get in the real world. :P. Sometimes, when they see a newer cryptocurrency which will give them higher returns, the buyers switch and so do the viewers who will switch to a newer genre to satisfy a different niggle.

Fourth: Coin Exchanges or hosting sites are B2C or C2C in nature where either they can be bought from Crypto makers and Porn Studios or from consumers who are sharing or trading with others for the content other viewers may have.

Fifth: The demand can vary wildly for both. The consumption of content and the price of cryptocurrency swings wildly based on what catches the publics fancy while there is no real reason for any such activity.

Sixth: No matter how much porn you watch/ collect or how many cryptos you have, the real world is driven by sex and money (of the fiat currency type) and neither porn nor cryptos can replace their real-world counterparts at least in the foreseeable future. Also, if you can’t use porn to further your sex education or trade cryptocurrency to make a profit, I would advise restraint and pursuit of another hobby.

Until next post
